Zanina, the bundles of surprises. Little their bodies may be, but that doesn't mean their capabilities are as small. They're commonly known as meticulous, creative, active, and gifted in all sorts of handicrafts. Considering their general traits, mainly you'll find them in Saephos City, working as labors or merchants. Some of them work in Leita City as one of the distinguished scientist, but less are found working in Myrph City as one of the dignified soldier.

Elajas, the dignified beasts. Despite their brash appearance, they have the gentlest hearts of them all. Elajas are what you can say as animals that are intelligent enough to walk with two feet and do activities like normal humans do. Generally, they're known as stubborn, hot headed, cunning, and expectedly good at any kind of physical activities. With that considered, Elajas are mainly found in Myrph City as soldiers. They are less common in Saephos City as merchants, more unlikely to be found in Leita City as scientists.

Antsasany, the unique mix. One of their most notable trait is how they're half human-half animal. Not limited to have rabbit ears and tail, some Antsasany also have cat ears and tail―the possibilities are endless with them. By having human and animal's blood inside their veins, they're widely known as nimble, sensitive, intelligent, and have very keen senses. Those traits make them easily found as scientists in Leita City, followed by being merchants in Saephos City, and more less likely to be found as soldiers in Myrph City.

Hume, your typical human. Surely you don't need any kind of explanation regarding this race, no? Within Her sandbox, Hume are pretty much like any other humans out there. Known as adaptable, all-rounder, and unique in their own way, Hume are pretty much evenly scattered throughout Synestia. Whether they're found as merchants in Saephos City, scientists in Leita City, or soldiers in Myrph City.

Let's find out how they all live in harmony, shall we?

Surely, there will be clashes of differences amongst the vast races within Synestia. Surely, you'll think the ever brash and stubborn might stir a fight or two with the sensitive and intelligent Antsasany. Yet surely, that's where the fun of life, is it not?The bickering between races are what makes life fun in Synestia. Despite the disputes, none have really escalated into anything dangerous. The royal soldiers of EXFOTiA will surely make sure of that. Every now and then, even outside the Military City of Myrph, you'll encounter two or more EXFOTiA soldiers on patrol, ensuring no mere squabbling would grow into something else entirely. Worry not, the civilians' dissonance can be in one harmony with the help of numerous traditions within Synestia.One of the tradition that can unite any differences within Synestia is the traditional food. Some of the most well known Synestian food are shown above. Respectfully from left to right, those are called Pazhka, Kupore, and Duona.

Pazhka can be considered as your lovable chopped meat on the skewer, but what makes Synestia's skewered meat special is the types of meat within. Unlike your normal skewered meat, Pazhka has various monsters' meat, with different taste and texture. Words can't do them justice, for you must try one by yourself to know how delectable it truly is.Kupore is your typical hearwarming soup. It's a classic comfort food in Synestia and considered by many to be a Synestian national dish. Made with the leaves of the Corchorus plant, the leaves are boiled in chicken broth with sauteed garlic, coriander, and seasonings. Most of Synestians eat this dish during their time of growing up, noting how delicious it is for children despite the high amount of vegetables in it.Duona may look like ordinary bread, but it has distinctive taste to it. Unlike any other bread, Synestian's bread has saffron in it, which gives Duona a subtle earthy-sweet flavor profile with a tinge of bitterness on the tongue that gives way to delicate floral and honey notes. Since saffron is a common and signature commodity to Synestia, Duona is one of Synestian's prized souvenirs for non-Synestians and the most adored snack for Synestians.

Aside from the food, one of the most notable way to unite the citizens of Synestia is through festivals. Synestia has Her own way to celebrate anything, whether it is to praise the harvest, the hunt, or simply praising the birth of Her people. From all of the festivals in Synestia, Priti Vanna is the most awaited festival of them all.

Priti Vanna, widely known as Synestia's Founding Day Festival. You can expect the grandest celebration of them all, completed with lavish dishes for everyone to enjoy, the most colorful fireworks to exist, attracting performances of dances and acrobatics, and even the visit of the Royal House of Veradisia to each and every one of Synestia's cities.

The occasional festivities are not the only ones that prettify the sandbox. Decorating the streets of Synestia, your eyes will feast upon some of Her people's sophisticated fashion. The more intricate the fabrics and adornments, the more likely the status of the wearer is a respected one.

Up above are some examples of the types of fashion you'll see throughout Synestia. But of course, Her fashion sense is not limited to the samples above.

Not only your eyes that will be delighted with Synestian's fashion, your ears will also be entertained with Synestian's exclusive music. Having harp and qanun as Her national music instruments, Her music consists of various range of spectrum from the strings.

Take a listen to Synestian's favorite music of them all. It's a masterpiece that starts with a slow movement in 5/4 rhythm, then converts to a fast 4/4 dance later on―usually followed by Synestian's folk dance, if you're lucky enough to see it.

Wherever nation you are, a system of economy would surely follow. Synestia is not an exception. Altva is the name of Synestian's currency, consisting in coins only. The only matter that differs the value of each coin is the engraving and the materials.In total, there are three types of engravings and two types of materials of Altva. The only types of coin that has different engravings are those made of gold. Within the next section are the details of the aforementioned engravings.

✼﹔ Two-winged butterfly indicates the coin's value of 1 Altva
✼﹔ Three-winged butterfly indicates the coin's value of 10 Altva
✼﹔ Four-winged butterfly indicates the coin's value of 50 Altva
As of the other material of Altva, it's made of crystal, adorned with Synestia's national flower―Vacalela, indicating the coin's value of 100 Altva.